Few activities are more tedious than sifting through Google Alerts in search of important competitive insights.
Not only is it tedious, it’s detrimental to your CI program — because the time you spend sifting through Google Alerts is time you don’t spend on high-impact activities, like training your sales team on the latest versions of your battlecards.
But what choice do you have? You can’t afford to not search for important competitive insights. If you miss something big, you’re in the hot seat.
Good news: You can have your cake and eat it too. You can keep your company informed about major pieces of competitor news and still have plenty of time to help sellers win deals.
How? Crayon AI.
Powerful insights — with a single click
After almost a decade of helping organizations track their competitors and enable sales teams, Crayon has captured billions of insights on companies large and small — insights with which our users can interact through starring, sharing, commenting, etc.
Every time a user interacts with an insight, Crayon uses machine learning to get smarter about what CI leaders like you consider important. Our unique algorithms can decipher, for example, that a change to your competitor’s homepage is more important than their most recent tweet.
What this means for you: You can take the insights Crayon has captured on your competitors and filter down to only those that our algorithms have deemed the most important to you.
Better yet, you can program Crayon to send you an email every morning with a list of the most important insights from the previous day.
“Every day, Crayon pushes the most important insights to my email,” says Carolyn Klinger, Director of Market & Competitive Intelligence at Affinity. “Crayon helps me dial in on the intel that is most relevant … [and] allows me to focus on providing strategic value to my company rather than sifting through hundreds of insights to uncover key takeaways for my stakeholders.”
Best of all: If one of those critical insights in your inbox is a news article, you can automatically generate a summary for your colleagues with the click of a button. Simply log into Crayon, click "add takeaway" on the article you want to summarize, and click "summarize with AI".
The most important competitive insights, automatically delivered to your inbox and summarized with the click of a button — that's the magic of Crayon AI.
Want to see for yourself? Schedule a demo of Crayon today.
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