Outdated Battlecards are a Thing of the Past: Automate Your Compete Program With Sparks Content
Every PMM knows the drill: A sales rep pings you before a call—“How do we compete against [Competitor]?” or “Do we have a battlecard on them?”
You drop what you're doing, dig through your compete content, and send them content—only to realize it’s outdated. Now, you’re stuck scrambling to update it, trying to review the latest insights while the rep is already heading into their call.
This isn't just frustrating—it’s an industry-wide problem. According to the State of Competitive Intelligence report, the numbers prove it:
- 58% of CI professionals struggle to keep battlecards and CI content updated, spending hours manually collecting and analyzing intel.
Positioning vs. Messaging: Distinguishing These Go-to-Market Staples
We’ve all found ourselves lured by the siren song of some irresistible silver bullet. The adtech tool that automates away hours of mundane account optimization. The martech tool that automates away ...
3 Keys to a Captivating Product Story (with Examples)
Regardless of industry or available resources, brand is the north star for product teams the world over. Stop what you’re doing and thumb through your LinkedIn feed; every third post is extolling the ...
6 Exceptional Brand Messaging Examples We Can All Learn From
All successful companies have brand messaging that is clever, strategic, and relevant to their target audiences. Think Nike: “Just do it.” Or, Walmart: “Save money. Live better.” Smart, persuasive, ...
16 of Our Favorite B2B + B2C Product Advertising Examples
As your market saturates, connecting with your target audience becomes increasingly difficult. With each new competitor that pops up, you have to work that much harder to say something ...
8 Pain Point Examples From the Real World (+ Tips for Better Understanding Your Prospects)
If you want to win in a competitive market, you need to position and promote your solution in a way that makes prospects think, That’s exactly what I’m looking for. Put differently, you need to do a ...
Brand Pillars: How to Use Your Company’s Core Values as Strategic Differentiators
We talk a lot about branding and messaging on the Crayon blog. Specifically, we’re interested in how companies can leverage messaging to position themselves as unique, best-in-class players in their ...
Features vs. Benefits: How to Leverage Them Both and Create Messaging That Your Competitors Envy
No matter how experienced you are as a product marketer, one aspect of the role that’s often a challenge is properly conveying the difference between features and benefits. You yourself may see the ...
6 Steps to a Strong(er) B2B Value Proposition
Crafting a home run of a B2B value proposition is no easy task. Maybe your company is gearing up to launch a new product. Needless to say, you’ve got a lot on your to-do list: interviewing customers, ...
3 Keys to Crafting an Excellent Brand Promise
Did you check out our post on messaging hierarchies? If so, you know a little bit about brand promises. On the matrix of vital messaging for brands trying to convey their unique value proposition, ...
The 5 Best Brand Positioning Examples We’ve Ever Seen
We’ve talked at length about brand positioning on the Crayon blog—from creating positioning maps to identify where your brand exists in the competitive landscape, to crafting messaging hierarchies ...
7 Ways to Make a More Effective Message Map
Let’s face it—your product doesn’t sell itself. Most products just don’t. That’s why product marketing focuses on defining the positioning for your solution and the messaging your team should use to ...
Why You Need a Messaging Hierarchy (+ How to Create One)
In the battle against competitors for sales, a positioning statement gives brand stakeholders much-needed ammunition. Across marketing and sales channels, you need to know how to promote your product ...
How to Create a Winning Brand Positioning Strategy
If your brand existed in a vacuum, it’d be easy enough to convey your unique selling proposition to a prospect. You’d be unique because you’d be the only game in town. Your product’s defining ...
Three Tactical Ways to Leverage Messaging to Drive Growth
Roles in sales and marketing have become more specialized in recent years. Salespeople are rarely responsible for a full customer lifecycle, instead focusing singularly on initial outreach, pre-sale ...
7 Signs You Need a Messaging Refresh
Messaging is a core part of your company’s DNA. It’s not simply a list of the 3-5 features that make your product great—it’s the story that communicates the value you provide to customers day in and ...
How to Balance Customer & Competitor Centric Messaging
Formulating messaging that resonates with your target market is a challenging endeavor. Strong messaging needs to concisely demonstrate differentiated value that addresses the unique goals and ...
6 Homepages that Capture Their Target Audience with Unique Imagery
When you’re designing your homepage, you want to make sure you’re selling your brand upon first impression, but also not bombarding prospects with too much copy or overwhelming images. Ideally, you ...
5 Elements to Include on Your Product Page to Stand Out in Your Market
It’s no secret that when someone is looking to buy a product, they are likely analyzing more than one option. So, how do you best communicate your product and company strengths in a way that stands ...
Competitive Web Design: Do These Brands Stand Up Against Competition?
If you’re looking for new ways to differentiate yourself from your competition, redesigning your website is a solid place to start. When people hear about your brand, they will likely head to your ...
5 Tips for Structuring Your Pricing Page to Gain a Competitive Advantage
Many companies hide their pricing from the general public on their website. Why? Well, there are a couple of possible reasons. It could be that they have completely customizable pricing, and it could ...
How Competitive Intelligence Can Create Messaging That Resonates
Nailing messaging and positioning is one of the toughest tasks for product marketers. Hours of countless market research, talking with the sales team, big (and sometimes expensive) branding ...
Product Marketing Content Aligned to Each Stage of the Buyer's Journey
So you’ve decided your old car is on life-support. It’s been a sweet ride, but you’re now shelling out mechanic fees that rival the monthly payments you’d make for a newer model. You start to shop ...