Crayon vs Klue

We don’t need to analyze mountains of data to tell you why customers choose Crayon over Klue, our product does the work for us.

This is a Spark, an AI research and content creation feature in Crayon that helps you build competitive enablement in seconds.

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Why Companies Choose Crayon Over Klue Based on Recent Data Banner
Why is Crayon better than Klue Banner

And if our sales team wants to know why we beat Klue, they can simply ask Crayon Answers, a Gen AI compete assistant.

This is Crayon Answers, an industry first and an actual feature in Crayon. Sales teams simply ask a question about their competitors and receive an instant response. Icon Red Curly Arrow

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As a competitive enablement platform, we believe our product should create compete content for us — automatically. Can Klue do that?

Here's Why Customers Rave About Us

"We felt like Crayon gave us the best opportunity to track at scale and even more critically — to help us transfer our intel to exceptional enablement, training, and battlecard initiatives and programs."

"We have a fast growing sales team of hundreds of reps. With that much growth, competitive intelligence needs to be as easy as possible for reps to consume - we're talking a few minutes tops. Crayon has been the ideal solution to meet that need."

"The Crayon platform was the clear fit. We knew Crayon could help our teams access the necessary intel to win more competitive deals."

See What Sets Crayon Apart